- Age:41
- Height:6’4
- Weight:245 lbs
- Hair Color:Black
- Body Type:Muscular/Athletic
- Piercing:Yes
- Tattoos:Yes
- Dress Shirt Size:XL
- Shoes Size:12
Antionne Scott
MANAGER: David Whitaker
Antionne has a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from the University of Mississippi and Certifications in Personal Training and Sports Nutrition.
“When we enter a room, some people may assume things about us as we may do when encountering unfamiliar territory. Maybe it’s human nature; it could be curiosity; or the attempt to connect with the unknown. As usual, when we get to know an individual, there is another side to them that we had no idea existed. I like to call this “The Story Before the Glory” theory. To provide you some insight on how I have used motivation from others and faith in myself to become ADScott Fitness, here is my story:
I started out as a young male raised in a household by two strong women: my mother and her twin sister, my aunt. Their approaches for me were at different ends of the spectrum. My mom pushed me to do and try anything I put my mind to, while my aunt was the educator and disciplinarian. The phrase that was forbidden to be uttered in our house was (and still is) “I CAN’T”! This belief system is what led me to fitness. As a child, I was always involved in athletics, but I was not the most talented. We can say I usually ended up in the middle of the pack. At the age of 12, my P.E. teacher introduced me to the weight room. This is when I realized that my “I CAN” attitude could catapult me beyond my fellow peers. At the age of 16, I ran 2 miles before school every morning at 5am. After I finished, I headed to school to train with the building engineer from 6am till 7am, it wasn’t until then that I started my day.
This work ethic led me to receiving a full scholarship and become a four-year football letterman at The University of Mississippi. After graduating from “Ole Miss” with a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science, I played football for the Arizona Rattlers in the AFL. I became a certified personal trainer and started what is now known as ADScott Fitness. While training others and playing football, I discovered that I was very physically strong, but internally weak. I had hypertension issues, with a blood pressure of 170/110 in 2005 I was seeking wellness. This led me out of football and into nutrition. This was the beginning of my competition career, and an undying PASSION to help you achieve the same! Walk with me. Work with me. Together, we can write your “Story to your Glory”
Antionne loves his work: “it is a blessing to train all the members of the A.D. Scott Fitness family. Working with people to correct health issues, build mental strength, as well as achieve optimal athletic performance brings light into my life!”
What was your last bodybuilding competition and what did you place?
My last competition was Battle on the Bluff 2018. I placed 1st in Classic Physique for the Overall Championship.
What prior competitions have you been to and what did you place in those?
Southern Calssic 1st Overall
Are you happy with your current work?
Dexter Jackson Memphis Classic 1st Overall Jr. Nationals 3rd
North Americans 4th
What competitions have you won?
Battle on the Bluff
L.A. Grand Prix
Dexter Jackson Memphis Classic
Southern Classic
Greater Gulf States
When/where is your next competition?
Something in Fall 2020
Briefly describe your current workout regimen
I train 6 Days a week. Cardio is performed 30min a day 4-6 Days a week. Not currently on Prep, but I will be in the coming months.
What is the name and location of the gym that you currently work out at?
A.D. Scott Fitness “The Sanctuary” The facility is owned and operated by me. It is located in Germantown, TN.
What supplement brands do you currently use?
True Nutrition // Vitamin Shoppe
What are your Top 3 songs to work out to?
Nipsy Hussle “Hussle and Motivate”
Eric Thomas “Motivational Videos”
Les Miles and Bodybuilding “Motivational Videos”
What are your hobbies?
Animals / Pets / Dogs
What sports do you play?
Bodybuilding / Sprint / Football
Tell us about the sports you have played
I played basketball and football in high school. SEC football in college for the University of Mississippi. As well Arena Football for the Arizona Rattlers
About MonEthos
Mon Ethos seeks to provide a customized level of service to its clients. By combining executive level talent management with the necessary business development tools Mon Ethos generates greater revenue and rewards to and interest in the athletes, artists and executives who take advantage of Mon Ethos wide range of services.
Through a hyper-intensive approach, we take talented individuals in their most raw form, fortify and develop their brand with a wide variety of resources and propel them into the next and highest level of their specific field. Whether it is the development of a website or a press release, Mon Ethos takes the utmost care in crafting a work product that is far superior than all others in our industry.
Our clients range from business executives reaching for the next level of management, or professional athletes looking to expand their revenue into areas other than their specific sport; all come to Mon Ethos for our professionalism and dedication to them and to our work.
Contact Mont Ethos: 800-689-1275
Athlete Application
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